"You think this is being shot? This isn't being shot."
Rock School.Never ever seen it, but it looks like that's what it is.
Aha! That's fucking wrong cause it's called School Of Rock..Ha!
I know nuffink, see?
Check it out, it's one of those films that's kind of shit but you end up really liking.Currently watching 'I Am Omega' on Zone Horror...so far it's a damn sight better than 'I Am Legend'.
Can't stand Jack Black (or is that Jack of Black) so that might not work for me.
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Rock School.
Never ever seen it, but it looks like that's what it is.
Aha! That's fucking wrong cause it's called School Of Rock..Ha!
I know nuffink, see?
Check it out, it's one of those films that's kind of shit but you end up really liking.
Currently watching 'I Am Omega' on Zone Horror...so far it's a damn sight better than 'I Am Legend'.
Can't stand Jack Black (or is that Jack of Black) so that might not work for me.
Can't stand Jack Black (or is that Jack of Black) so that might not work for me.
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