The curse of Diff'rent Strokes. Little Arnold (top), didn't die when he was supposed to (he had no liver or something & wasn't expected to live beyond about 18), sued his parents for all the money they'd ripped him off for, then wound up as a security guard. A few years back he got sued himself for allegedly attacking a middle aged woman in front of her kid when she hassled him for an autograph.
Todd Bridges (above) who played Willis, was sent down after being found guilty of armed robbery when he held up a liquer store....

Conrad Bain, who played the dad, is just fine.
Great post.
yea.. excellent.. always thought the those freaks were hiding a dark side
Fanbloodytastic! LOL!!
Isn't life wonderful sometimes?
But they got, Diff'rent Strokes.
It takes, Diff'rent Strokes.
It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.
Kimberly, you were my kind of girl.
You should see that Kimberly photo before I clipped it.
I thought you'd clipped it..
what about checking the facts before serving the lies Dominic Zero!
Is that cum on her face
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