Saturday, January 20, 2007

Book Hunt

Blimey, I've got fucking writer's cramp from being over on Doppelganger's blog discussing Jade 'I'm Not A Bad Person I'm Just An Absolute Cunt' Goody.
Anyway, went down the South Coast during the week scouring the bookshops and came back with a nice pile of pulp.
Special thanks to Leon at The Pocket Bookshop in Paignton for opening up especially for me. That made me feel really important. Possibly the best secondhand bookshop in The South West.
And thanks to Shirt for helping me find that little shop in Dartmouth. It's a shame I didn't get instructions on how to actually find Dartmouth in the fucking first place.


I am not Kek-w said...

Louis L'Amour rocks. I'm gonna have to get me a copy of that R.E. Howard book...

Dominic Zero said...

That L'Amour is a James Bama cover, I think.
And I hadn't seen that Robert E Howard before.
If I've got the energy I'll post a couple more later.