1/ Dance The Night Away - The Mavericks.
2/ Ordinary World - Duran Duran.
3/ Automatic High - S Club Juniors.
4/ Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police.
5/ Last Thing On My Mind - Steps.
I actually know a really good story about Steps that illustrates beautifully what utter shitheels they are, but it's too risky to tell it here.
6/ Back For Good - Take That.
7/ Shadows Of The Night - Pat Benatar.
8/ Trash - Suede.
Just Cunts.
9/ You Win Again - The Bee Gees.
10/ Crush - Jennifer Paige.
Now, I've bared my warped, unclean soul...and I challenge the mighty Kek, Lurch, St Anthony & Doppelganger to do the same on your blogs ...10 records that hide at the back of your collections that no grown man should own.
Molly has often held me up to ridicule for my love of that Mavericks number. It's a good song well sung, I always tell her.
My good friend Dave F referred to that song as 'Quasi-Ironic'.
I'm on it...
tomorrow night mate...
Man, I've got no shame where these sort of things are concerned....
Busy right now, but gimme a coupla days and I'll throw some names atcha...
I once quite liked a Pat Benatar song, too .... but I think I was more influenced by her very sexy overbite.
Benatar certainly had a 'sexy overbite' - I just think 'Shadows Of The Night' is ,like, the best Soft Rock song ever except for maybe 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'. It's got every single cliche in there.
PS : Kek - It's not shame...it's just like wanking in a public place, you know you shouldn't.
Perhaps, like stroking it in public, owning a Police record should be something they can lock you away for.
Yea count me in. May take a while though, and I'll probably see you before then.
I don't think you should be embarrassed about liking 'Trash'. Suede were an OK band in their day - first 2 albums anyway.
No, they weren't. They really weren't.
I totally hated Suede for ages, ie first 2 albums (sorry, Lurch), but had a grudging liking for 'New generation'...then got into the 'obvious' third album...I also think 'Head Music' is shamefully underrated: late 70s Bowie meets Prince electro-trash (tho Beck does it better on 'Midnite Vultures' plus adds some white-boy fonk)....but I totally understand why you dislike them, Dom; they irritated me for ages and I could only wrap my head around them when Butler left and they stripped everything back...
Yeah, Butler leaving was def an improvement.
Ooh, Mavericks. Just makes yer wanna dance doesn't it, eh? St. Anthony is often heard singing that. Along with 'Crocodile Shoesssssss!' *Giggling loudly*
Crocodile Shoooooooooesssss
Crocodile Shoooooes.
That Ordinary World song is really ace. Oh I think I'm having a moment! Oh yes. This is ace.
*Comes back to sing 'Crocodile Shoes' again.
You know...it's growing on me.
Didn't he have another follow up song? Was it as good....? I can't remember.
'Crocodile Shoes' is a great little number, but even better is the follow-up, 'Cowboy Dreams'. Now that is a classic. Bit of a renaissance man, Jimmy Nail.
Awwwww, come and see us, come and see us! You and refried too!
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