Monday, August 09, 2004

Post One

Having just returned from an atomic coastal holiday, I now feel ready to post my first raving, get into the swing of things, verbally spurt jets of blood from my literary jugular. Or Whatever.
Saw Jennifer Ellison doing TOTP (Tim Kash - work on that speaking thing) in a ra-ra skirt.
She's been styled up like Baby Spice, only she's not as bald. I mean, talk about picking a seriously Ugh template. And the backing band - are they really musicians? You know, I reckon they didn't play on the record. No, really, that's what I think.
Still, awful though it is, you've gotta love ra-ras being back. It's like The Bangles never went away (They did go away, didn't they?).
Two weeks on the Devon coast - believe me I saw a lot of ra-ras. Actually, thinking about it, on The English Riviera, they probably never went out of fashion. They've all still got ash-blonde Farrahs too. And those wide white belts. And denim - lots of denim.
At Paignton Zoo one of the gibbons was wearing a ra-ra and a denim waist-coat. Luckily it had had its ONJ 'Physical' headband confiscated.
Anyway - I digress.
Ra-ra - good.
Jennifer Ellison - bad.
Paignton Zoo - it may have big, animal - friendly enclosures, but you can't see fuck all.

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