For no particular reason I can come up with, these are my five favourite Clint Eastwood movie quotes:
1/ 'Nothing wrong with shooting as long as the right people get shot.'
2/ 'You're gonna look awful stupid with that knife stuck up your ass.'
3/ 'You forgot your fortune cookie. It says...You're shit out of luck.'
4/ (First Man): 'Man's gotta make a livin'.'
(Eastwood): 'Dyin' ain't much of a livin, boy.'
5/ (First Man): 'You just shot an unarmed man!'
(Eastwood): 'Well, he shoulda armed himself, if he's gonna decorate his saloon with my friend.'
Tell me all five movies and I'll do a TV Fluff post of your choice. It's really dull being crippled.
Speaking of cripples: I'm thinking of The Monkees' "Head" right now...
'Don't nobody, but nobody, make fun of no cripple.'
Hee hee.
1. Magnum Force.
2. Not sure about this one. Is it 'Eiger Sanction'?
3. The Dead Pool.
4. The Outlaw Josey Wales.
5. Unforgiven. Go little Bill!
We need more TJ Hooker.
We need more Lee Majors.
We need more Heather!
Actually so you guys don't get upset...how about Sean Young? She's lovely.
Blimey! 4 out of 5. That gets you absolutely nothing. Still, I'm impressed.
Saw Lee Majors in VIP the other day, playing Pamela Anderson's dad. I'll try & blog it.
Sean Young? Hmmm. If you guess all 5 I'll lower myself & post her.
Damn it! Now I'm sulking. Tsk. Can't you tell me which one....please? I'll let you have a small plasticene figure of Heather...yes?
That'll make it too easy for everyone else..assuming there is an everyone else.
High Plains Drifter!
Well, that was over pretty damn quickly.
Sorry. I couldn't help it. It wasn't my fault....it was the pink Pokemon's.
If you're bored, come to our house. I've got a foot stool.
Is number 2 Coogan's Bluff? An if so can we at least have the Sean Young pic?
Sorry, I just read the other posts and realize I'm wrong. There must be some good lines in Coogan's Bluff, though. And some good Sean Young pics.
Coogan's Bluff I haven't seen for ages, but I'm sure there's some keen stuff in there. He does kick the Living Shit out of Bosley off Charlie's Angels though.
Sean Young? I'll look into it. Bit ruff though.
Sherilyn Fenn...a thing of beauty and a joy forever.
Ah yes, that scene where she ties a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue...
...I'll be in my bunk.
JC! Welcome back to Blog World.
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