Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Masters Of The Pit

A Moorcock classic with a Jim Steranko cover..I pissed my pants when I found this.
On the subject of classic science fiction..went to see War Of The Worlds the other day. It's OK, very true to the book, yet strangely missing something. I don't know what, exactly. It goes for a fairly subtle line in alien invasion, which is fine - the book sets the invasion kind of in the background - but there's no real feeling that The World is involved. You kind of need a bit more 'Army getting twatted' early on - there's no great feeling of destruction being wantonly reaped on the Earth.
Got home and watched The Night Of The Big Heat with Lee & Cushing - now that's a science fiction classic.


Psychbloke said...

"You kind of need a bit more 'Army getting twatted' early on - there's no great feeling of destruction being wantonly reaped on the Earth".

There was some talk that Spielberg is avoiding mass destructions of buildings post 9/11

Dominic Zero said...

See, there's a problem - if you're avoiding making films where you have to knock down buildings - you don't want to be making War Of The Worlds.
I also don't understand the 12A certificate conspiricy theory surrounding this movie - it's really tame. Jurassic Park's far more violent.
Still, I reckon let the kids see what the fuck ever - harden 'em up. Take 'em to Dawn Of The Dead.

Psychbloke said...

Jeez -Even 'Ice Age' - show that to a kid with a baby brother - yeah well, those sabre toothed tigers are probably gonna at least try and eat him....

If they were so worried about 9/11 why not do it properly and let them trash Reading as in the original- I mean who'd care?

I am not Kek-w said...

"There was some talk that Spielberg is avoiding mass destructions of buildings post 9/11..."

What, in case they think he did it? Maybe he should start thinking about a new career...has he actually made anything decent since "Duel"?

As for censoring what children watch, well...My kids were in "Dawn of the Dead."

The original, I mean.

Dominic Zero said...

Psychbloke: Man, they've already bombed Reading & wiped it off the face of the Earth - it was just never on the news.
Kek: C'mon, Jaws is fucking ace.