I always had a thing for Deanna Lund in Land Of The Giants, even though she was so small. Even the picture's small. And she was a darn sight sexier than the chick in Lost (Has anything happened in that badly written, dull, cliche-ridden cack yet?) .
"You think this is being shot? This isn't being shot."
I'll keep you posted.....
Actually - to be honest, I am still watching it. I'm fascinated by its crapness.
I've been wondering if James Cameron is secretly involved - because the script seems as though it's been written by an 8 year old. And that band in the last one..how bad can this series get?
Oh, the effect Land of the Giants had on my rapidly perverting teenage brain. The kinky boots, the sellotape bondage; it's amazing I turned out as normal as (people think) I am.
I really liked the Twilight Zone vibe of the early episodes....but the last two have been fucking dreadful. Yeah, Charlie and his band were the cliched pits...I said to Chris the other night that Lost was on a 2-week warning to buck up its fucking ideas. Trouble is, if I stop watching it, I just know it'll suddenly get good...
If it turns out that (a) they're dead, (b) stuck in some sort of redemptive limbo or (c) trapped outside of Time, then I swear I'll go on a killing spree in the nearest mall. Or Taunton.
I'm so sick of the expositional 'back-stories' of this endless parade of cliched sad-sacks...I really don't care...the flashbacks are stopping the story from moving forward....it just feels like padding/filler to flesh it out to 24 episodes...
More weird dead animals...gratuitous nudity...spooky fucked-up Outer Limits references, please.
I reckon it's some kind of 'You get what you wish for' shit. Hence the cripple-dude walking around.
There's no wit, no imagination. Has there been an interesting flash-back yet? I think not. I imagine all the 'other people' are going to get bumped off - hence the endless references to how many of them there are - even though we never see them.
I don't know why I'm still watching it - bring back T J Hooker.
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