"You think this is being shot? This isn't being shot."
Monday, October 08, 2007
Holy Moley
So, anyway, even though I'm mentally stuck in 1974, Mrs Zero & I do still seem to be opening a shop. Tomorrow. Weeks of hard work seem to have resulted in this happening.
The shop is called Pushkin's and we're going to sell stuff of varying kinds. Some expensive stuff and some cheaper stuff. Basically it's all stuff we're selling. We're a Stuff Shop.
Ooh, this looks good. I need a close up of the stuff in the window please, to see if I want it. Do I need stuff, yeah I do! More and more stuff. STUFF coming out of the windows! It's things of beauty and joys forever.
On the occasions Molly Bloom pops her head up she is delightful to the nth degree - are you sure , DomZ, that she is not your female alter ego? foo foo
Davider - I do have an alter ego but it's not female & it's not Molly. I've drunk pints of beer with Molly so she can't be me. Further proof is the fact that Molly uses long words on her blog which I don't understand. Mr X - Thanks. I may use most of that catchphrase & change the last word to Shit.
Nice one!
Cool. 'Stuff' is very important.
The more 'stuff' the better...
I have plenty of Stuff - but am always in need of more - please reserve some special-stuff for me ...
I'll put some stuff back for you. If the stuff runs low we should be getting more stuff in very soon.
Looks a bit gay but i'll pop in next week to check out the cheap stuff and see if it's worth spending small amounts of money on.
Oh yeh, by the way, it's not very nice to write "Fucker" in ornate black letters on the doorstep - puts folk off in my experience.
This is in Barnstaple....'Fucker' is a compliment.
Ooh, this looks good. I need a close up of the stuff in the window please, to see if I want it. Do I need stuff, yeah I do! More and more stuff. STUFF coming out of the windows! It's things of beauty and joys forever.
Gotta take some window & interior pix on monday, so will post them soon.
On the occasions Molly Bloom pops her head up she is delightful to the nth degree - are you sure , DomZ, that she is not your female alter ego?
foo foo
may i suggest an ad catchphrase: "ALL STUFFED WITH STUFF!"
Davider - I do have an alter ego but it's not female & it's not Molly. I've drunk pints of beer with Molly so she can't be me. Further proof is the fact that Molly uses long words on her blog which I don't understand.
Mr X - Thanks. I may use most of that catchphrase & change the last word to Shit.
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