I shall be reading it very soon, next week in fact as I travel by train down to our great capital to work, once again, in television. Oh, well, I did get out for almost two years. That has to count for something, right? I worked some overnights last week on Channel Five's American Football. Free chocolate & my name on the credits really didn't make me feel any better. Walking back into the studio firing line just made me nauseous and somewhat retarded. It's looking like I might be back in the television genre just in time to see it finally fist-fuck itself to death.
On top of that I goosed my knee a few weeks back and standing up for eight hours in a studio didn't really help. The most annoying thing is my other knee's fucked now from taking all the weight. Go figure.
Still, using a walking stick for a week was cool. It felt very cosmopolitan.
Apologies for not posting for over a month (to anybody who gives a crap), I have no excuse other than I really had nothing to say. And as you probably can see...I still don't.