Well, I survived
Manchester, though only just. I was working overnight mostly, which meant I had most of the day to wander around. Man, that is one
Shite city centre. If you don't fancy a
Subway, then you basically can't eat..and there's absolutely
no fucking charity shops. Unless you think of the whole place as one giant charity shop.
I did find a handful of secondhand bookshops, but they were so expensive I didn't really buy anything. They were more expensive than
London West End book shops. I actually laughed out loud in one of them. Jesus, no wonder the place got Blowed Up.
On top of that, after the launch night the Exec Producer took me and a few others to a place called
The Press Club where we started drinking at 5am. Now, I don't consider myself a snob, but this place was
rank. As we walked to the bar our feet stuck to the carpet like glue. The DJ was on the stage actually singing along to what he was playing. Small, 50+ year-old moustached men in vests growled at us for interupting their attempts to cop off with similar aged female
things as we walked by. It was a war crime of a place.
When we first went in the bouncer told us 'no mobile phone photographs'. Oh no! I mean what the fuck are you going to photograph? A murder? A gang rape? The DJ singing along with his music?
Still, a drink is hard to come by at that time in the morning and we went there every morning after coming off air. One does what one must.
My hotel room did have a picture of
Lee Van Cleef on the wall.
PS Many thanks to
Pulpmania / Hot Cherry for getting in touch. Note to self:
Don't Post Drunk.