For no particular reason I can come up with, these are my five favourite Clint Eastwood movie quotes:
1/ 'Nothing wrong with shooting as long as the right people get shot.'
2/ 'You're gonna look awful stupid with that knife stuck up your ass.'
3/ 'You forgot your fortune cookie. It says...You're shit out of luck.'
4/ (First Man): 'Man's gotta make a livin'.'
(Eastwood): 'Dyin' ain't much of a livin, boy.'
5/ (First Man): 'You just shot an unarmed man!'
(Eastwood): 'Well, he shoulda armed himself, if he's gonna decorate his saloon with my friend.'
Tell me all five movies and I'll do a TV Fluff post of your choice. It's really dull being crippled.