Well, now. I seem to have woken up Married.
Truth be told it was a Groovy affair, good weather, good people, good cake. There is now officially a
Mrs Zero. She spoke, I spoke, photographs were taken, we ate, we spoke again.
Niowulf spoke of my lurid past.
Mr Ayling gave me cocaine in the bog. There were images of our cats on the tables.
Donna cried when she saw my ex-cat
Planet's photo.
Kid Shirt wore a suit. I drank many glasses of Jack Daniel's.
It was a fine day & night.
Although nobody really got to hear the enchanted cds I had spent weeks painstakingly putting together - but I'm not bitter - I'm just planning to go to everyone's houses individually and play them all through track by track.
We honeymooned in Dublin (best not to refer to England as 'The Mainland' if you ever go) which is a great place as long as you don't want to FUCKING SMOKE ANYWHERE.
Still, I got this:

Plus a few more books, which was lucky considering most of Dublin's secondhand bookshops have closed down. Not, of course, that I was looking for books on my honeymoon..



Ah, well.